
8th - 10th April 2025 - Ravenna - Italy GET YOUR TICKET!

Programme Committee 2025

Enabling Business Transformation


We all know that the energy sector is the source of around three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions today, that's why the sector holds the key to averting the worst effects of climate change. 
The International Energy Agency has showed that the world has a viable pathway to building a global energy sector with net-zero emissions by 2050, but it is narrow and requires unprecedented transformation of how energy is produced, transported and used globally. A transition of such scale and speed cannot be achieved without sustained support and participation from all stakeholders.
New technologies, business innovation and new alliances will be key enablers to reshape energy towards sustainable growth: pushing forward gas valorization and carbon neutrality practices while developing clean energy sources as an integrated and synergic process to provide clean and affordable energy in a low-emissions future. 
Contribute with your insights across a wide variety of topics; join OMC Med Energy 2025 Conference by submitting abstracts for the technical pillars of the next conference: Carbon Neutrality to build a net net-zero energy industry, Operational Excellence to improve efficiency and growth without forgetting the importance of Technologies and Applications to share successful cases. 

We look forward to receiving your high-quality abstracts to include in our technical programme. 

Edoardo Dellarole
OMC Med Energy Programme Committee Chair

Chairman: Edoardo Dellarole - Research & Technological Innovation, Head of Electrification - Eni

Edoardo Dellarole is presently Head of Electrification Cluster – Business Partner Energy Evolution in the Research and Technological Innovation Department of Eni. He holds a Master degree in Environmental Engineering, a PhD in Environmental Geo-Engineering and a Master in Business Administration. He has twenty years of experience in the Energy Industry with particular regard to General Management, Innovation, HSE and Technical consultancy. 

Sattam Almutairi - Senior Researcher, Saudi Aramco

He has worked with Saudi Aramco for 10 years, where he works as a senior researcher in Advanced Research Center in Dhrahran focusing on upstream exploration and development fronts. During his career, he had an assignment in Exploration doing regional geology basin modeling, and he has fair share of being well sitter in multiple fields. In EXPEC ARC, he had the privilege to explore a limitless opportunities to collaborate in many high profile projects across the company. Working on lab instruments, led technical programs and solved many challenges across fields and even shipping tanks. During his technical career, he has authored and co-authored book chapter, several journal and conference papers and 11 US Patents. Holding a B.Sc. degree in Geology and MSc degree in Geochemistry  from Texas Tech University.

Ahmed Amer - Global Fluids Advisor, Oxy

Ahmed currently holds the Global Fluids Advisor position at Oxy. BSc from Cairo University and currently working on an EMBA. His career spans over 18 years, during which he has held field, operational, technical and R&D roles in fluids, digital and pressure control domains with a focus on data analytics, KPI management, deepwater operations and lost circulation solutions. His last role before joining Oxy was as Product Line Director for Digital Solutions and Sr. Global Technical Manager supporting software initiatives and digital collaboration projects with various partners that enhance the customer experience by providing insights through analytics at a major fluids provider. At industry events, he has participated as a judge, steering committee member, session chair, reviewer, panelist and presenter. Ahmed has served as an advisor to two graduate university programs, holds IP, has authored 30 publications including classes to SPE regional chapters in the field of lost circulation, digitization and deepwater. Ahmed was a SPE Distinguished Lecturer for the 2020-2021 tour. 

Andrea Bombardi - Executive VP Carbon Reduction Excellence, RINA

He holds a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering.  Andrea Bombardi is presently the Executive Vice President of Global Market Development, in charge of Key Account and strategic streams management including energy transition, compliance 2.0, integrated asset management, water, underwater, space&defence, proptech, megapublic funding. He has more than twenty years of international experience in the energy sector managing various RINA foreign entities in the UK, Slovakia, Ghana, Mozambique, Congo and Kazakhstan. His career has included posts as Executive Vice President of Carbon Reduction Excellence and Inspection & Field Business Units, Chief Commercial Officer and General Manager of Energy Solutions. He is a member of Hydrogen Europe, AIN, H2IT, Assorisorse, OICE.

 Chiara Boschi - CNR

Chiara Boschi is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG-CNR, Pisa, Italy where she is Responsible of the Stable Isotope Laboratory and Coordinator of the Research line “Carbon cycle and geosphere-biosphere interactions”. She holds an MSc in geology from Pisa University, and PhD from ETH-Zurich, Switzerland. Her main scientific interests are water-rock interaction processes, mitigation of climate change, energy transition, CCS and CCUS, white hydrogen. She is a Consultant for the Ministry of Economic Development for CO2 geological storage regulation in Italy. Peer review service for 20 international scientific journals, for the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, for ANR (France) and for the U.S. NSF. In the last years, she has participated in the  POR-FSE RESPIRA project and in several EU Projects: IMAGE, GEMEX, DESCRAMBLE and GECO. She is PI of a PRIN-PNRR new project for exploration of natural hydrogen NHEAT (Natural Hydrogen for Energy trAnsiTion).

Claudia Brunori - ENEA
Igor Calcio Gaudino - Chief Investment Officer, Equiter

Executive with broad experience and track record in managing Private Capital and M&A investments across different asset classes gained within holding companies, funds and corporations. Cross-functional profile with a strong focus on origination, strategic development, assessment of business plans, execution of partnerships and alliances. He is genuinely passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship, actively sponsoring initiatives able to combine financial return with social and environmental impact. His specialties are Private Equity and Venture Capital, M&A, Structured Finance, Strategy, Business Development, Innovation. PhD in Business and Management from University of Turin, Université Jean Moulin Lyon with major in Alternative and Mission-Related Investments. Since 2021 he has been Chief Investment Officer of Equiter, in charge of direct investments and corporate strategy, targeting Private Equity and Venture Capital portfolio transactions along with the development of M&A partnerships with industrial and financial players. Holding company with €1.5bn of assets under management, focusing on “Mission-Related Investments” with socio-economic impact on the territory and promoting sustainable development goals in the long term in accordance with the principles of impact finance. 

Filomena Castaldo - Head of Carbon Storage & Valorization, Eni

She is currently Head of Carbon Storage and Valorization department in Eni R&D, where she has also worked as Head of Environmental and Biological laboratories and R&D Project Manager. Over her career she has been dealing with decarbonization, circular economy, CO2 capture and valorization. Research Fellow in the Industrial Engineering Department with PhD in Chemical Enginering and a Master Degree in Chemical Engineering.

Ivo Colombo -  Geostatistical & Data Processing Engineer, Geolog

Ivo Colombo, Ph.D. is an environmental engineer who has been working in the energy industry for over 7 years. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and worked in the R&D team of Geolog as a data scientist. Since 2021 he has been coordinating a multi-disciplinary team, focusing on research projects involving digital solutions, engineering, and geothermal activities.

Daryl Cullum - Newpark Drilling Fluids
Ilaria De Santo - Reservoir Performance, SLB Fellow

Ilaria De Santo has been with SLB for 27 years, working in reservoir evaluation, new product development, strategic marketing and global account management. Ilaria started her career with SLB in Italy back in 1998 and then worked in France, UK, Algeria, Nigeria and USA. She is now the Reservoir Performance Global Account Manager, based in Milan. After climbing the whole ladder of SLB Technical Career, she has been recently nominated one of the six SLB Fellows worldwide by the SLB CEO. Ilaria has co-authored 36 technical papers and 6 patents and she has been nominated Distinguished Lecturer for the 2019-2020 Cohort from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Ilaria has been part of the SPE International Distinguished Lecturer Selection Committee for the past four years. She holds an MSc degree in Geology from University of Pavia (IT), an MSc degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK) and a Global Executive MBA from Bocconi School of Management (Milan, IT). Additionally, she holds two degrees in music: one in Piano and another in Harpsichord.


Fabio Decataldo - VP Global Account, TechnipFMC

VP Global Account Director of TechnipFMC with a Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico of Milan. He has been working in the Energy business for 25 yrs. He has gathered experiences in management roles and leader of organizations to provide aftermarket services in different companies and business segments in upstream, downstream and products (reciprocating pumps, roll grinders and industrial mixers). He joined TechnipFMC in 2009, based in Milan office. He covers a Global Account role, that has progressively expanded in parallel with TechnipFMC business growth to cover the entire Subsea offering including hardware and installation capabilities and in support of Surface Products and Service offering.

Alberto Di Lullo - Sr. Global Knowledge Owner in Facilities Engineering, SPE Italy

He is a physicist and joined Eni in 1991, initially working in R&D and later extending his activity to flow assurance, field design, operational troubleshooting, energy transition, carbon footprint reduction, CCS, knowledge management and other non-technological topics. Di Lullo is currently Senior Global Knowledge Owner in Facilities Engineering and works in the Technical Authority, Operating Assessment and Knowledge Consolidation department. He is author of several papers and patents and participates actively in the organization of international conferences.

Marco Frey - Full Professor, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Marco Frey holds a degree in Economic and Social Sciences from Bocconi University, Milan. In 1986 and in 2000 he was awarded the Eisenhower Exchange FellowshipHe is Full Professor of Economics and Business Management, leader of the Sustainability Management Research Group (SuM) at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Study of Pisa and Research Director at IEFE (Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy - Bocconi University, Milan). He is chairman of Global Compact Italian Foundation, a body of the United Nations, and National President of Cittadinanzattiva, a non-profit organization which promotes civic participation and the protection of citizens' rigths in Italy and Europe.

Piero Gattoni - President, CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas

Degree in Economics from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is Co-Owner and CEO Agricascinazza, President of CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas and of Cooperativa Verdemetano. He is also Founding Member and Vice President of EBA - European Biogas Association, as well as Co-Chair of Task Force 3 of BIT - Biomethane Industrial Partnership. Member of the Technical Scientific Committee of Ecomondo. From 2012 to 2016 he was Vice President of the Consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Antonella Godi - Petroleum Engineering Coordinator, Energean Italy

Background in physics, with 30 years of experience in O&G business spanning from research and development activities through operational roles to managerial positions. She spent more than 20 years in Eni E&P as reservoir engineer, managing conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Joining Enel Trade in 2011 as Head of International Area in Upstream Gas managing international assets (Algeria, Russia, Egypt). From 2014 to 2020 she worked for Edison E&P S.p.A as Joint Venture South Europe Manager responsible for budget and technical activities in Joint Venture of South Europe. Her actual position in Energean Italia S.p.A is as Petroleum Engineering Coordinator.

Giacomo Gorni - Technology Application Program Manager, Eni

Electronic Engineer with over 20 years of experience in Industrial R&D. He worked as Project Manager for Pirelli Labs on the development of nanotech optoelectronic devices for ten years. From 2009 to 2018 he was R&D Manager in Tozzi Green, working on organic photovoltaics and energy storage systems. He joined Eni in 2018 as Head of the R&D Solar Energy department. In 2020 he became Head of Innovative Technologies Dept for Energy Solutions, focusing on the deployment of innovations in the area of ​​Renewable Energy Power Plants. He is currently Technology Application Manager for Photovoltaics, Wind Energy and Electrical Storage initiatives.

Laura Govoni - Professor, University of Bologna

Laura Govoni graduated in Construction/Architecture Engineering from the University of Bologna and has a Doctorate in Engineering Geotechnics. She is the Coordinator of the Master's Degree Course in Offshore Engineering in the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering where she teaches Offshore geotechnical engineering and Geotechnical engineering for land protection. Her research activity mainly concerns the geotechnical aspects of the exploitation of renewable energy at sea. On these issues she has consolidated collaborative relationships with the Center for Offshore Foundation Systems of UWA in Perth, the Fraunhofer IWES research institute in Hannover, IRSTEA research center in Grenoble and the University of Newcastle in Australia. She is coordinating the H2020-SEAFLOWER project on innovative methods for the design floating wind turbines anchors. She is currently on the  boards of leading conferences related to offshore geotechnics. Reviewer for numerous journals she is Associated Editor of the ICE Geotechnical Research journal.

Edgar Keijser - Marketing and Sales Manager, Oil States

Long lasting member of OMC Med Energy Programme Committee, Edgar Keijser is marketing and sales manager for Oil States. His work covers offshore energy projects both in the oil and gas and renewable energy industries; he is based in Marseille, France.

Youcef Khanfar - Director of the Green and Renewable Energy Division, Sonatrach
 Manuel Miceli - Performance, Quality & Innovation Manager, TotalEnergies

Manuel Miceli is the Quality Manager of TotalEnergies Exploration & Production Italia with focus on Performance, Innovation, Risk Management and Energy Transition. He has over 25 year international experience with top-tier academic qualifications (MSc, Executive MBA Bocconi, LEAN, Project Manager, Coaching). Digital Innovator and Corporate Entrepreneurial with expertise in Oil & Gas Operation, Strategy, Planning, Performance, Exploration Well testing, Petroleum & Reservoir Engineering, Real Time Solution & digitalization, Training & Development, Contract & Procurement. Diverse geographical working experience worldwide including France, Qatar, the USA, Italy, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Mozambique, Russia. Inter-Company Association Experience in Subsea Well Response Project, IOGP (member of Training & Development group for North Oil Company), Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE- Italian Section (Technical Director for Drilling and Completion). Unlocking the potential in everyone and team development are his fundamental drive.

Matteo Mistri - Project Management Advisor, Shell Italia E&P

Matteo Mistri has over twenty years of experience in the energy sector, initially with Saipem and currently with Shell. He has held various positions in Technical, Contracting & Procurement, Commercial, Supply Chain, Project Management and Governance roles in Italy and abroad. He has performed across the entire energy value chain, having worked in downstream, midstream, and upstream sectors. He represents Shell Italia E&P on the Technical Committee of the upstream Joint Ventures Val d’Agri and Gorgoglione. He has served on the Board of Directors of several joint ventures and currently is a non-executive Director at Società Oleodotti Meridionali S.p.A. Matteo Mistri holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Padua and an MBA from SDA Bocconi in Milan.

Enrico Noseda - Chief Innovation Advisor, Cariplo Factory

He is a Growth and Go To Market expert in the Digital Industry with a strong consumer marketing background (over 15 years in Tech, previously 7 years in FMCG marketing).
He has been advising startups on Investment, Growth and Go To Market & advising Corps on Digital Transformation.
Noseda is Partner at Chief Innovation Advisory at Cariplo Factory - The Open Innovation Hub with an associated 200M VC fund.

   William Palozzo - Chief Executive Officer, DG Impianti Industriali

William Palozzo is the Chief Executive Officer of DG Impianti Industriali, an Italian Engineering, Management & Contracting company. Furthermore, he is a Member of the Board of Directors - Services Section at Assorisorse, the Italian Sustainable Energy & Resources Industry Association, part of Confindustria and Program Chair of SPE (Society Of Petroleum Engineer) Italian section. He is also the Team Leader of Critical Raw Material Working Group. He is Graduated in Mining Engineering from Bologna University, with a thesis in Subsidence monitoring & forecast on central Adriatic gas field, Offshore Ionian and Offshore Congo, developed in Eni. His education path continued with a Master in Site Environmental Characterization & Remediation at Camerino University followed by a Master in Business Administration at Sole24ore Business School. He has 22 years of experience and knowledge in the energy and industrial sectors, with a deep effort on Upstream of Oil&Gas at global scale, having been involved in challenging projects in Europe, North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, the Caspian Region, the Middle East, South America, U.S.A. and China. 

  Francesca Porta - Managing Director, Energy Industry, Accenture

Francesca is a Managing Director with 17 years of consulting experience in the energy and utility sector. She has been advising primary national and international players in the energy and utilities industries about company reinvention and business transformation. Her experience is focused on driving large transformation programs, operational model revamping, and business models launch. She has also gained deep experience in innovation management helping major players to assess their innovative technologies and scouting their market potential. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano

Antonio Protopapa - Operations Director, COREPLA

Born in 1959 he holds a Master Degree as Chemical Engineer from the Politecnico di Torino. Entered in Eni Group in 1986, in the elastomers business, he has covered several roles in Technical Service and Commercial Departments both in Italy and abroad (UK and Hungary). From 2008 to 2012 he was back in Italy as Polymers Commercial Director for Polimeri Europa SpA. In 2012 he became the Chairman and Managing Director of Polimeri Europa Benelux (today Versalis International) based in Brussel and responsible for the coordination of the commercial and administrative activities for the EMEA Region of Versalis. Currently he is Operations Director of Corepla (Italian Consortium for plastic packaging recycling), which he joined in February 2017 as R&D Director.

Giorgio Ricci Maccarini - Technology Valorization & Ventures, Eni

Giorgio Ricci Maccarini is a senior manager in Eni and he is in charge of Technology Valorization and Ventures in Eni HQ in Milan. He is currently promoting the valorization of Eni’s Technology Portfolio through Tech Transfer projects and Eniverse (Eni’s Corporate Venture Building Company). He served as Operations Manager in the Upstream Eni district in Ravenna from 2016 to 2019, being in charge of the production and management of the offshore gas platforms in the Adriatic Sea and other onshore upstream assets in northen Italy. His has a background in well operations, with field experience in Congo and Iraq. He joined Eni in 2006 as a Master Medea student. Since 2018 he is also President of the Alumni Association of the Collegio Universitario dei Cavalieri del Lavoro.

Vittoria Roiati - Innovation Valorization & Ventures, Eni

Physics Engineer and Phd, expert in technology assessment and market evaluation with 7 year experience in technology transfer. Strong organizational abilities with proven successes managing multiple projects. Environmentalist and social impact enthusiast, with deep tech background. Currently working in venture building and outbound initiatives, innovation valorization and venture expert at Eni, San Donato Milanese. In the framework of outbound activities and new ventures, she manages the technologies funnel for benchmarking activities and market opportunities assessment, with special focus on the energy transition portfolio.

Pietro Romanin - Managing Director & Partner, Boston Consulting Group

Pietro Romanin joined Boston Consulting Group in 2013. He is a core member of the Energy and Operations practices and has worked extensively in the oil and gas industry - in major international oil companies as well as international engineering, procurement, and construction contractors and original equipment manufacturers, across strategy, digital, and operations. Among his recent client engagements, he has launched a digital platform aimed at measuring ESG performance of the supply chain of a large IOC, successfully implemented the digital transformation of an IOC, and he designed the new industrial plan for an international equipment OEM. Prior to joining BCG, Pietro was senior consultant for the in-house consulting firm of the German sports car manufacturer Porsche AG.

Marco Ruggiero - External Funding & Technology Development, Baker Hughes

Marco Ruggiero is Senior Engineer at Baker Hughes. He graduated as Mechanical Engineer in 1996 and holds a PhD in Energy Engineering from the University of Florence. Has been working for over 20 years on R&D programs, designing complex test systems for turbomachinery and components at the beginning of his career and later managing Florence experimental verification laboratory. For the past 5 years he has been managing externally funded projects and development of low maturity technology in collaboration with research institutions. He is also currently member of several technical committees dealing with Energy Technology and its transition to a sustainable future (European Turbine Network Project Board, Thermal Energy Harvesting Advocacy Group (KCORC), CTN Energia Scientific committee, Hydrogen Europe Roadmap 21, SET IWG6 Heat&Cold.

Siddharth Saboo - Head of EMEA, Amazon Web Services

Siddharth Saboo is a renowned energy professional, blending deep electrical engineering expertise with strategic business insight. With over 16 years of diverse industry experience, he has excelled in roles spanning engineering, technology portfolio management, management consulting, and business transformation. As the Head of EMEA at Amazon Web Services, he drives sustainable transformation journeys for energy customers, helping them achieve decarbonization targets and advancing towards net-zero ambitions. Before joining AWS, he led numerous business transformation initiatives at ADNOC HQ in Abu Dhabi. His comprehensive expertise covers the entire energy value chain, including upstream, downstream, logistics, trading, storage, distribution AND spans key markets such as the the US, EU, KSA and UAE. He has collaborated with a wide range of international organizations, from energy companies to chemical and industrial corporations, as well as process manufacturing firms. A thought leader in the industry, he has published white papers and presented at prestigious conferences such as ADIPEC, IPTC, MEOS, the World Utility Congress. His expertise in emission monitoring and predictive maintenance continues to influence the energy sector.

Cristian Scaini - Head of Innovative Projects & Models, Saipem

Based in Milan, Cristian currently works as Head of Innovative Projects & Models, with a focus on Energy Transition technologies and projects, as well as being Saipem's Energy Manager. He has recently worked in the Business Development of Offshore Wind and in Digital and Technology Solutions for Sustainable Infrastructures (Railways).

He joined Saipem in 1997, managing innovation and technology investment projects for the installation of large subsea pipelines, the development of O&G subsea fields, the construction of new ships and for underwater technologies. Subsequently he led the Offshore Technology Development and Intellectual Property offices, the management of the Offshore Innovation Projects Portfolio at Corporate and Divisional level and the coordination of Open Innovation. Cristian holds a Master in Aeronautical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano and an MBA from Bocconi School of Management and MIP Graduate School of Business.

Filippo Tessari - Head of the Executive Director Office, FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

Filippo Tessari is the Head of the Office of the Executive Director and HR Manager at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM). As a proactive and committed senior manager with a comprehensive understanding of the research industry, he was the Research Operative Coordination, Networking and Integration Manager at FEEM from 2008 to 2021 but also Coordinator for the cross-cutting area Pathways to sustainability in Africa and Deputy Coordinator for the Research Program “Economy and Society”. Tessari supported FEEM’s activities in Basilicata, where he collaborated to the start-up and was the Activities’ Coordinator of FEEM’s headquarter in Viggiano in southern Italy between 2007 and 2008.

Umberta Tinivella - Senior Researcher, OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

Since 1996 she has been employed at OGS.  She performed simulation of acoustic wave propagation along the drill string considering the border condition (formation, mud, variable geometry, etc.). She studied the possibility to predict overpressure zones from analysis of seismic, log and laboratory data, by using elastic theories, which relate physical properties of rocks to pore pressure in the frame of EU project. She received the Cagniard Award for the poster presented at EAGE Conference in 1998 and the Best Poster Presentation at the Near Surface Conference in 2005. Presently, she is working on gas hydrate topic, considering standard and non-conventional processing of seismic data, such as pre-stack depth migration, Amplitude Versus Offset, seismic inversion, modeling and theoretical models to describe the physical properties of gas hydrate and free gas-bearing sediments. She has developed a procedure to estimate the concentrations of gas hydrate and free gas from seismic and well data. Tinivella has been leading several Gas Hydrate Projects supported by Italian government, Oil Company and the EU. She is the author of many technical reports and papers on gas hydrate topic and she received several invitations to present her work, actively disseminating her research.

Simone Togni - President, ANEV - National Wind Energy Association

PhD in Public Law at the University of Perugia. Since 2011 he has been President of ANEV, the recognized environmental protection association that brings together producers and operators in the Italian wind energy sector. He is the Director of IVPC Service a leading company in Italy in the development, construction, financing, maintenance and operational management of renewable source systems and active in the sector of energy efficiency and sustainable mobility. He is the Head of Institutional Affairs and Trading of the IVPC Group. He is Editor-in-Chief “Il Pianeta Terra”, a monthly magazine about the environment, energy and renewable sources. He is a member of the General Council of Elettricità Futura, the first national association in the electricity sector. He is a member of the Board of Directors of ISES Italia, an international technical-scientific association, recognized by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research. He is a founding member of the National Council of the Green Economy ana member of the Presidential Committee of the Sustainable Development Foundation 

Dario Viberti - Full Professor, Politecnico di Torino

Dario Viberti is a senior reservoir engineer and full professor at Politecnico di Torino. He teaches courses on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media at MSc and at the First and Second level Specializing Master, and numerical modelling for multiphase flow in porous media at PhD level. Dario has 20 years of experience in reservoir characterization and dynamic simulation. He is currently part of a multidisciplinary research group dedicated to Hydrogen and CO2 storage research projects. Dario also collaborates with several institutions and companies. Since 1998, he has been an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).

8th - 10th April 2025
Ravenna - Italy
OMC Med Energy