Via Cervese 162/D
0039 0543 795830
Product index
- 301 - Engineering Sub-Contracting
- 302 - EPC Contractor
- 303 - Project Construction & Project Management
- 304 - Project Pre-FEED and FEED Design & Build
- 805 - Waste to Energy
- 904 - HSSE Management & Consulting
- 905 - Industry & Hazardous Waste
- 1504 - Offshore Engineering & Design Services
Company Profile
PROECO operates on the engineering and supplies market in oil&gas, chemical, energy and environment. Services include mechanical engineering, electro-instrumental, fire-prevention and safety; automation and control; feasibility studies; hi-tech projects; supervision of works; project services; equipment/systems supply; plant installation and complementary activities, comprising project management.
Our Energy Transition Route
Our vision of enterprise has been adapted to the market needs to contribute to sustainable economic development and to create a strategy that triggers a multiplicative effect of investments in the mid-long term. It does not mean for us abandoning non-renewable energy sources, but rather embracing an integrated approach that includes all alternative energy forms that in fact make up an Energy Mix.