Via G. Fauser 36/A
0039 0321 690411
Product index
- 301 - Engineering Sub-Contracting
- 303 - Project Construction & Project Management
- 403 - Pipelines, Maintenance & Engineering
- 901 - Asset Integrity & Infrastructure Protection
- 1201 - Artificial Intelligence
- 1202 - Automation and Process Controls
- 1204 - Data and Big data
- 1301 - Agriculture
- 1302 - Aluminum
- 1303 - Cement
- 1304 - Fertilizers & Chemicals
- 1305 - Industrial / Heavy Industry
- 1306 - Manufacturing
- 1307 - Mining
- 1308 - Petrochemicals
- 1802 - Project Management
Company Profile
Donegani Anticorrosione is an engineering consultancy firm with decades of experience providing calculation services for onshore and offshore structures, pressure vessels, piping, chimneys, and storage tanks. Founded in 1994 as an Enichem S,p.a. business unit spin-off, the company specializes in NDT, risk-based inspection, and asset integrity management.
Our Energy Transition Route
Donegani Anticorrosione & Italsabi have signed an exclusive agreement with HiBot for the execution of robotic inspections in confined spaces. HiBot's new snake manipulator, Float Arm, is designed for long-reach applications in confined spaces, capable of navigating complex environments and acquiring detailed data for inspection and maintenance.