Via Circonvallazione 14/14A
0039 0131854611
Product index
- 104 - Renewables and Sustainability Company
- 402 - Gas & LNG Processing
- 502 - Biofuels / Biofuels
- 508 - LNG
- 602 - LNG, Cryogenic & Vessel to Vessel Transfer
- 803 - Circular Economy
- 805 - Waste to Energy
- 1401 - CCS & CCUS (Carbon Capture, Storage & Utilization)
- 1405 - Small-Scale LNG Infrastructure & Bunkering
Company Profile
Ecospray, founded in 2005, is a leader in integrated solutions for the sustainable conversion of marine and land-based industries offering technologies for low-carbon fuel production (CH4 liquefaction, eNG liquefaction), waste-to-energy solutions (CO2 liquefaction, flare gas recovery, LNG&NGL separation), carbon capture technologies and exhaust gas treatment (DeSOx, DeNOx, methane slip).
Our Energy Transition Route
Ecospray offers comprehensive turnkey solutions designed to meet the demands of the energy transition, with a focus on sustainability and carbon neutrality. Our services cover the entire methane supply chain, from biogas production to grid gas integration, liquefaction, storage and distribution, ensuring an efficient and environmentally friendly approach.