Via Napo Torriani 22
0039 026946811
Product index
- 301 - Engineering Sub-Contracting
- 302 - EPC Contractor
- 303 - Project Construction & Project Management
- 304 - Project Pre-FEED and FEED Design & Build
- 403 - Pipelines, Maintenance & Engineering
- 502 - Biofuels / Biofuels
- 506 - Hydrogen
- 508 - LNG
- 512 - Wind (offshore & onshore)
- 801 - Environmental Consultants
- 802 - Greenhouse Gases
- 803 - Circular Economy
- 805 - Waste to Energy
- 901 - Asset Integrity & Infrastructure Protection
- 904 - HSSE Management & Consulting
- 1201 - Artificial Intelligence
- 1203 - Cloud Computing
- 1501 - Contractors - Design
- 1502 - Floating Equipment
- 1803 - Recruitment & Resourcing
Company Profile
DG is an Italian engineering, management and contracting firm founded in the 60’s with a strong worldwide presence, providing remarkable know-how in a wide range of fields, mainly focused on: Energy, Environment, Chemical, Iron & Steel. DG strength to manage complexity is the key factor to a 360° control of each Project assuring time to market & fast track approach.
Our Energy Transition Route
DG is active in the field of energy transition by supporting public and private partners. The main topics are renewable hydrogen production and use, biofuels, development of renewable potential, projects related to the CCUS and reconversion of existing industrial assets. DG vision also believes on R&D through collaborations with universities, innovation start-ups and research institutions.